IIRIS Support Request


Kasvu tn 16-18, Tallinn 10613, Estonia
Registry code: 10263781
Phone: +372 555 15258
E-mail: kokkonen@salt-cocoon.com

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in salt therapy and our products. We will answer to your request in max 2 working days and send you additional information.

Thank you for visiting us!

In order to request service and support, you are kindly asked to fill the form below:

    Name or Company: *

    Your Email *

    Phone number: *

    Private user or business:


    Zip code:

    Country: *

    The model name: *

    Year of purchase: *

    Serial number(s): *

    Description of the problem: *

    Upload image or video (max file limit 5 MB)

    for larger files please use dropbox or wetransfer